Setting goals or Goals setting you back?
Before we talk about how to achieve a goal, we need to look at how to set them.
While goal setting can be an absolutely amazing way to create the body and life you want, I have seen some goals work in a very counter productive way, leaving people feeling both deflated and demotivated - Sound familiar?
New Balance have asked me to write a blog with some tips on how to increase the effectiveness of goals so that you ensure their accomplishment.
Think outside the box - goals don’t always have to be about raising or dropping numbers. How about writing a few goals that relate to more than just scales or weights? For example. If you set a goal that you’re going to walk home three times a week, or drink two x 3.5L bottles of water a day - you’re already well on the way to achieving your aesthetic goals without actually having to step on or off the scales.
Set Skill based goals, not just aesthetic ones. If you’re focused more on being able to do a chin up, every time you hit the gym you’re going to be so much more motivated because you’ll be witnessing, in real time, your strength gains and feel like you’re achieving things. The benefit of achieving the strength required to do a chin up, is toned arms and defined abs.
Have a plan, that’s not just an expression, seriously have a plan, a programme that you’re following. If you don’t have one and aren’t able to track strength and fitness adaptations then how do you know what your doing is effective? Nothing is more demotivating than feeling like you’re wasting time. I always write down the weight I’ve lifted during every workout to ensure I’m lifting more each week.
Don’t be a hater - and by hater, I’m referring to self hate. Goals should be based on inspired and self-loving action. If you're goals have derived from mental monologues in the shower where you huff and puff at the various rolls and dimples you have on your body, then the outcome won’t be a positive one. Negatively generated goals will result in negative outcomes. Rather than; “Ugh, I’m looking so disgusting these days, I’m going to go to the gym every day”, think of a goal that is worded like this; “I deserve to feel at my best, I know I will feel better when I am more powerful, strong and agile - I’m going to go unleash my inner beast by training every day for 45 minutes” etc!
Training should not be a chore, it’s an absolute luxury - so approach it with a sense of gratitude and respect for the body, while also honouring the fact that you are stronger than you think!